Breaking News
Friday, November 14, 2008

Info Post
This afternoon, two large flocks of Starlings, some 2500 feeding on the fields above the sands, followed by another c5000 flying east over Trehill farm, in a massive teardrop formation. Impressive.
1 female Merlin chasing a sparrow around the YHA buldings.
Continuing in the vein of why birds ? Most of it`s been said really, from Rye Harbour in the 1970`s with Dave Flumm, to now - albeit with a big gap in the 80`s, there`s something satisfying being in a rugged landscape watching Pregrines, Ravens, even large flocks of Starlings. What about the New Forest dawn chorus? that certainly has the wow! factor. Cold estuaries at dawn etc etc.
Take a look at to see inside the mind of a birder!!


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