Breaking News
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Info Post
Ibises behaving well this morning - feeding very actively in knee-deep (ankle-deep?) water close to the track just beyond the hide, looking suitably glossy in the sunshine. Later they flew to the far side.
Also around were lots of Willow Warblers, one briefly seen larger warbler, probably a Garden Warbler, 4 territorial male Reed Buntings at intervals along the path (two singing their feeble excuse for a song), 6 Choughs by the iron age fort and 6 Ringed Plovers in a recently rolled field just behind the Youth Hostel. The field right by the car park is full of dandelions and also linnets, presumably eating the seeds. No Wheatears or Wagtails (there have been small mixed flocks of White and Pied Wagtails on the ploughed fields recently)


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