Breaking News
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Info Post
It's been an odd weekend: the wind dies down for only 20 minutes and small birds start to move, and even sing: we had a Sedge Warbler in sub-song in Martin's Haven at about 1100 today, and 3 Willow Warblers and a Chiffchaff yesterday. Also a lovely Adder basking yesterday morning (and another reported on the Deer Park).

Wooltack Point has been pretty disappointing, with only one Manxie and a handful of Gannets and Fulmars, but 3 porpoises (2 adults, 1 immature) yesterday.

Marloes Mere: just a handful of Moorhens, a Dabchick and a Coot, but I heard a Whitethroat alarm call and saw a female Sparrowhawk flying across the mere.

Dale Airfield this morning: 4 Curlew feeding on the runway, a Skylark and 2 Wheatears. The farmer has cut down and broken up a huge amount of the gorse, which is a bit distressing in terms of the loss of habitat, but it attracted a lot of stonechats (10-15) even in all the wind.

A good day for Kestrels: 2 on the Deer Park, another 2 at the Airfield, and 2 Peregrines opposite Gateholm

St Bride's Haven: 14 Turnstone, including 1 in beautiful in summer plumage.


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