Breaking News
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Info Post
I did the Webs count at Castlemartin Corse this morning with Morris North. Things got off to an exciting start when a Buzzard took a Jackdaw off the road edge right in front of the car as we drove down to Castlemartin Church. It flew off into the trees with it's kill to much attendant commotion from the local Crows and Magpies.
Very cold down on the Corse and with the ground frozen we were quite surprised to see 500+ Lapwings. Otherwise there were 30+ Curlew, 50+ Snipe (no doubt many more hidden in the ditches), 1 Little Egret, 4 Moorhen and 1 Teal seen. As there is no ice free water the lack of wildfowl was to be expected. 2 Buzzards but no sign of the long staying Marsh Harrier.
Up on the top road to the south of the Corse halfway between Castlemartin and Freshwater West there was a good sized flock of Chaffinches, Skylarks and Reed Buntings in some long vegetation by the new footpath. 1 male Brambling seen but likely there are a few more there.


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