Breaking News
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Info Post
A lovely calm day with a great range of birds in the valley and on the Trehill Farm fields. With most of the fields near Martin's Haven being stubble, and with light grazing by sheep, there are good-sized flocks of Skylarks (100+, mixed in with similar numbers of Starlings) and finches (mainly Chaffinches, well over 100, but also smaller numbers of Linnets and the odd Goldfinch). Half a dozen Reed Buntings by the car park and a Lapland Bunting over. 40+ Lapwings scattered across all the fields, and a solitary Golden Plover. A real surprise was a group of a dozen Teal flushed from a damp corner of one of the fields, a long way from Marloes Mere, where I would have expected to see them.
The main field to the South of the NT car park had large numbers of snipe: I flushed a dozen walking across a small corner of it. Late in the afternoon, 3 Woodcock in the valley by the Deer Park gate.
A single long distance auk off Wooltack at high tide, but 4 Whooper Swans flew across St Bride's Bay and seemed to land on Skomer. They appeared to be immature birds, with fairly coloured plumage and very dark bills.
Only a single pair of Chough seen on the Deer Park, and a female Kestrel.


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