Breaking News
Monday, February 7, 2011

Info Post
At Kilpaison late morning with the tide ebbing and the wind howling into the bay - Bar Tailed Godwit 22, Dunlin 400+, Knot 8, Ringed Plover 30+, Brent Geese 9.
Round at Angle Harbour there was a further 17 Barwits, 15 Knot, 8 Dunlin as well as 16 Redshank and an ad. Med Gull. Further out in the bay 9 Great crested Grebes and 1 Slavonian Grebe.
As I had decided to leave my camera at home for a change I suppose it was inevitable that I would bump into some good birds at Bosherston - and so it was to be. Looking down on the reed bed from Stackpole Court a Bittern had gathered a bunch of reeds together and climbed to the top, apparently enjoying the sunshine. I also saw a Bittern (just like Clive's photo below!) near the path in the reed bed near Broadhaven Beach. As Clive saw 2 birds there it seems likely there are 3 Bitterns at Bosherston.
On the eastern arm there were over 70 Tufted Ducks, 6 Pochard and the male Scaup and there were 20 Goosanders altogether around the ponds. At the western arm towards Bosherston Church the female Ringed Necked Duck was in the company of 15 Goldeneye with a further 2 Goldeneye further up near the beach end. I wonder where the RN Duck disappears too?


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