Breaking News
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Info Post
An Avocet was a nice surprise during my WeBS count today, it was on the Daugleddau to the south of the mouth of Sprinkle Pill. Impressive numbers of birds on this stretch, mostly here but also in the pill and along the W Cleddau as far as Hook: 598 Lapwing, 303 Teal, 53 Pintail, 53 Shelduck, 177 Wigeon, 122 Redshank, 351 Dunlin & 13 Grey Plover the highlights. In a field on the S side of the pill, a large Chaffinch flock contained at least 3 Brambling (incl a fine male) and 30+ Linnet.

At the Gann late pm at least 6 Med Gulls (5 ads, 1 2ndW) - one of the ads with a white darvic ring which Derek & I failed to read before it flew off and landed on the water. 3 Great Northern Divers in the bay (2 right across at Dale Fort) along with 3 Great-crested Grebes (2 close to breeding plumage, 1 still in white-faced winter plumage). A lone pb Brent Goose, 6 Grey Plover, 12 Turnstone, 35 Wigeon and 20 Teal the best of the rest.


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