Breaking News
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Info Post
Abigail Hart was an extremely kind host, but I dipped on the Purple Heron early afternoon. Serves me right.

It still feels like winter in Martin's Haven: a few Daffs are out, but no Wheatears or Chiffchaffs this morning. However, there was a very steady trickle of Mipits and Reed Buntings coming from the West, flying over the Deer Park, and sometimes stopping off in the valley for a quick break. Easily a couple every minute between 0830 and 1000, so the totals soon build up.
I flushed a Snipe in the valley: not quite one of Paddy's Woodcock, but still an interesting indicator of how late Spring is. And the Greenland White-fronts flew over from Skomer to land in the Trehill Farm fields.
On the Deer Park itself there were at least 2 pairs of Stonechats displaying, and up to a dozen Linnets singing, but not appearing to hold territory yet.

The Gann: 4 Redshank, 2 Dunlin, 3 female Goldeneye

Sandy Haven: a male Sparrowhawk, Little Egret, Greenshank

Goultrop: 1 Red-throated Diver coming into summer plumage, c.30 Common Scoter


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