Breaking News
Monday, January 19, 2009

Info Post
Castlemartin Gumpton Farm area

On the Corse looking from behind Castlemartin Church 2 harrier's possibly Marsh, hawking over
reed beds, 180+ lapwing , 80+ Golden Plover , 60+ Curlew, 40+ Snipe, 100+ Redwing,
3 Greylag geese, 24 Fieldfare, 3 Whooper Swan, 120+ Curlew, 8 Mallard , 50+ Wigeon.

Gumpton Farm & down onto Corse to Starmans Hall .

At least 3500 lapwing , 1500+ golden plover, the largest flock of these birds I have ever seen on the ground as well as spectacular aerial display, 2000+ chaffinch, good views of 40+ Brambling, 20+ Skylarks, 40+ Meadowpipit, 150+ Wigeon, 80+ Curlew.


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