Breaking News
Friday, February 20, 2009

Info Post
Llys-y-fran Resr;-
A visit this morning, walked from the dam to the Northern-most inlet,
The Black-necked Grebe, 1 Pochard(m),16 Great Ctd. Grebes(3 prs. displaying), 2 prs. Goldeneye, & a fine Peregrine.
Picton Point & Millin Pill Woods;-
No sign or sound of hoped for Lesser Spot.
Sandy Haven;-
2 Greenshank, 1 ad. Med. Gull, & Little Egret.
Again Pochard (2 males), with c10 Shoveler, & c6 Gadwall.
Monk Haven;-
1 Firecrest only,-- no Chiffchaffs seen.
(Paul & Rich D.)


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