Breaking News
Friday, February 27, 2009

Info Post
Castlemartin Corse;-
Star birds this am, a lovely looking male Hen Harrier & a considorably larger ring tail Hen Harrier.
Not counted, but the ducks present included Pintail, Gadwall, Wigeon, many Teal, & a large number of Shoveler still. Several hundred Golden Plover passing through the area in various size flocks.
(no sign of the "Angle " Cattle Egret, Marsh Harrier, or Greylags)

Angle Bay;-
1 Great N. Diver, & 19 L. B. Brent Geese the highlights.
c8 rh Goosander still.
Fishguard Fort;-
3 Red Throated Divers.
(Wendy, Paul G. & Rich D.)


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