Breaking News
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Info Post
Newport Sand Dunes;-
19:00 the juv. Little Stint was roosting / feeding amongst the high tide debris on the end of the dunes. A walk along the beach proved essential to find the bird this evening,.... although earlier (18:00) the stint was on the outer bend of the river, below the golf course dunes, again a walk, across the mud.
Mobile due to disturbance this evening, but on both Wendy & then my visits the stint was associating with a small Dunlin flock, not the flock with the Sanderlings.
Also this evening 1 Grey Plover, the Bar-tailed Godwit, & 2 Little Egrets at roost in trees by the Iron Bridge.

c19:00 Patch, 19 Dunlin, 12 Ringed Plover.
c22:00 Poppit, this visit found only a handful of Ringed Plovers.
No sign of the Glossy Ibis, it was looked for at both the Teifi, & the Nevern until dark.

(Wendy J & Rich D.'s visits)


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