Breaking News
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Info Post
There was a Wryneck at the Chicken Sheds again this morning but few other migrants around.

You've got to love digital photography - just before 6pm I was on the isthmus trying to work out which seal cow was the mum of a new born pup. I looked up and there was a ringtail harrier crossing North Haven, I thought that looks a bit bouncy & fired off some shots, unfortunately with the camera set for taking photos of seals in the dark not birds in the sky. When I got in & had a look it looks like an adult female Montagu's to me!

The photos are very poor & I've tried fiddling with them a bit to see if I can make out any more plumage details but I can't. The structure of the wing is spot on & I think you would be able to make out the collar if it was a Pallid

Any comments would be greatfully received, I wouldn't in any way claim to be a raptor expert


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