Breaking News
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Info Post
During a cold last evenings survey of old farm buildings north of A40/ Slebech, Annie and I did not find a hoped for roost of horseshoe bats but we did confirm breeding barn owls. Nearby a male kestrel was hunting over a young plantation and later at dusk a female kestrel was noted heading towards Wiston Wood - they must be breeding somewhere nearby! On the 3/4 km walk back along the farm lane to our car we did pick up a greater horseshoe on a bat-detector. It was heading along the lane towards the farm and we are pretty sure they use the area as a night-time feeding-roost.

On the small road up to the farmstead, we noted at least 3 male yellowhammers in full song - could have been more - certainly a nice little breeding population. On the way home, young tawny owls at Canaston. We know of at least 5-6 broods out of the nest now in south Pembs, but compared with 2007, they are a bit later this year.

Received our 2007 Bird Report the other day, like the new style; a lot of useful information included - well done Jon/Steve et al.


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