Breaking News
Monday, June 30, 2008

Info Post
Beautiful male kestrel hovering over the marshy field around our garden this morning.
A juvenile heron has been visiting the garden every day for the last few days -we don't know what he is eating - maybe picking water boatmen from the pond? (no fish)
Like Bob and Annie I am having trouble finding breeding Spotted Flycatchers around the area this year though there were plenty on passage.
For the first time since we have been here (since 2003) there has been no Grasshopper Warbler in the marsh (though there was one on passage) and there is no Yellowhammer within earshot of the house.
And lastly, 4 swallows fledged yesterday after a very protracted nesting period - how the parents managed to feed the youngsters during the wet weather I cannot imagine.



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