Breaking News
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Info Post
Over the last 10 days we have had late male cuckoos calling at Stackpole and on Castlemartin Range. Spoke to Clive Hurford on the Angle peninsula last weekend, he had recently heard a cuckoo at Freshwater West. Briefly we heard individuals in late April but nothing much since until beginning of June. Today, whilst Annie and I were doing our weekly butterfly transect walk near Landshipping Quay, a cuckoo flew across the road. We have been unaware of cuckoos here before, certainly the first one we have seen in this area. It seems to Clive and I that these are most likely to be late migrants, but it would be nice if they are not and are staying around and breeding in south Pembs where they have been decidedly rare in recent years!

Other birds of recent note include:
Dartford Warblers feeding young in a regular S Pembs location. Willow tits have bred at Llangloffan (thankfully)! I was beginning to think they had finally gone as I could not prove them breeding in April. Single purple sandpiper with a turnstone (both in full breeding plumage - the purple gloss really obvious on the former) yesterday on Castlemartin coast. Goshawk calling in one regular area where they are probably breeding; plenty of fledged siskins around too.


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