Breaking News
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Info Post
I do believe we all need to be careful about anecdotal evidence regarding breeding numbers/success etc. However, and clearly breaking my own suggestion here, I would think that there has been an increase in Cuckoos breeding in North Pembs this year. The male in the 'Bocca Valley' at St Davids has been there for well over a month and has been accompanied by a female on at least 8/6/08. There has also been a long staying male at Ty Rhyg, accompanied by a female on at least 1/6/08. These at least are unlikely to be late or returning migrants. I have heard up to 3 males in a day in the St Davids area on a couple of occasions but have not previously recorded anything like this since 1999 when I returned to Wales. Of course I may have been unlucky in the past, that's the trouble with anecdotal evidence - you can't know, and it leads to a series of disputes regarding diverse experiences and time in the field. I would suggest that there are more Cuckoos about this year, and breeding, but have no basis for being dogmatic about it.
Thanks to Paddy J for confirming breeding Teal at Ty Rhyg and presence of Crossbills which I was fairly sure were still there but hadn't been able to prove in recent visits.


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