Breaking News
Friday, December 18, 2009

Info Post
With the colder easterlies this week, have arrived good numbers of lapwing and golden plover. At least 3,000 lapwings and 2,000 golden plovers on Castlemartin Range on Wedns - spread across several fields. Redwings (about 500) with thousands of starlings generally across the peninsula. Firecrests (x5 at least) around Bosherston Lakes with several chiffchaffs and blackcaps. Perhaps many more birds could be heading west by this weekend?

We are also noting down the species so far missing from 10km squares in the current winter atlas, compared with what was recorded in the 1981-84 winter atlas. Below is a list of species missing from SM71 and SM81 for example:

Great-crested Grebe SM81
Red-necked Grebe SM81
Gannet SM81
Mute Swan SM81
Bewick ‘s Swan SM81
Shelduck SM81
Mallard SM71
Shoveler SM81
Pochard SM81
Tufted Duck SM81
Scaup SM81
Long-tailed Duck SM81
Goldeneye SM81
Red-breasted Merganser SM81
Hen Harrier SM81
Sparrowhawk SM71
Buzzard SM71
Peregrine SM71
Water Rail SM81
Ringed Plover SM81
Grey Plover SM81
Lapwing SM71
Sanderling SM81
Dunlin SM81
Snipe SM71
Woodcock SM81
Curlew SM71
Greenshank SM81
Turnstone SM71
Glaucous Gull SM81
Razorbill SM71
Stock Dove SM81
Barn Owl SM81
Little Owl SM81
Tawny Owl SM81
Short-eared Owl SM81
Fieldfare SM71
Redwing SM71
Mistle Thrush SM71
Chiffchaff SM81
Firecrest SM81
Willow Tit SM81
Chough SM71 SM81
Raven SM71
Brambling SM81
Reed Bunting SM71

If anyone can get over to these squares to do some roving-recording and find any of the missing species, this will boost the records considerably in these squares. Are we really that deficient now in waterfowl and waders in SM81 for example? Raptors/owls are also a bit thin!


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