Breaking News
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Info Post
Following on from the recent (missing) species list for SM71 and SM81 10 km squares placed on the BLOG, we have now listed species recorded in SM84 and SM94 during the first winter atlas that don't appear to have records entered in the current atlas to date. So, if anyone is heading out for a walk from Strumble to Fishguard for example, then hopefully some of these may be seen.

As in SM71 and SM81, some scarce species only ever appear occasionally at best and so may not occur at all during the entire Atlas recording period, but others are fairly common, or regularly occurring species that really ought to be found somewhere.

Although there is only one tetrad in SM84 and three covering SM94, please try to assign records to tetrads - this extra information will be especially useful for our local atlas needs. As in previous Blog comments, if you have already seen any of these birds, or other interesting species and entered them on the BLOG, please also enter them on line via BirdTrack. From here they will be picked up by the Atlas and all Bird Track records will be available to the County Bird Recorders for the next Bird Report.

Black-throated Diver SM84
Great Northern Diver SM84
Great Crested Grebe SM94
Slavonian Grebe SM94
Fulmar SM94
Cormorant SM94
Long-tailed Duck SM84
Sparrowhawk SM94
Buzzard SM84 SM94
Kestrel SM84
Peregrine SM84
Pheasant SM94
Water Rail SM94
Ringed Plover SM94
Lapwing SM84
Woodcock SM84
Curlew SM84 SM94
Redshank SM94
Turnstone SM94
Mediterranean Gull SM84
Black-headed Gull SM94
Common Gull SM94
Great Black-backed Gull SM94
Wood Pigeon SM94
Collared Dove SM84
Tawny Owl SM94
Short-eared Owl SM84 SM94
Green Woodpecker SM94
Skylark SM84 SM94
Black Redstart SM84
Fieldfare SM84
Song Thrush SM94
Redwing SM84
Mistle Thrush SM94
Goldcrest SM94
Blue Tit SM84
Jay SM84
Magpie SM84
Chough SM84
Rook SM94
Raven SM94
House Sparrow SM84
Chaffinch SM84
Brambling SM84
Greenfinch SM84
Goldfinch SM84 SM94
Linnet SM84
Bullfinch SM94
Snow Bunting SM84
Yellowhammer SM84 SM94
Reed Bunting SM84

Good birding!


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