Breaking News
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Info Post
The image posted here (wing coverts etc) was found near the path on the eastern arm of Bosherston Lakes - clearly predated by something. Essentially the feathers are dark (blackish-grey)with two distinct white spots on each feather. I have a hunch but what do others think it may be? Click on the image for a closer view of the feathers and the scale

Small flocks of sand martins passed through Bosherston lakes more or less all day to day from mid morning onwards - probably well in excess of 2-300 seen. A couple of chiffchaffs were singing and a firecrest too (though doubtful that it will stay!). Several wheatears about on the coast. A single blackcap was singing near the lakes - (like the firecrest and the chiffs, it could be an over-wintering resident though). Small flocks of redwings also passing through this morning.

Six goosanders are still here on the lakes. A male water rail was also calling and being answered by a female (quite a different call, quite unlike the squeal of the males if you don't know it). The resident green woodpecker also yaffling a lot today. On Monday 15th (sunny) several Commas, small tortoiseshells and peacocks were on the wing too.


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