Breaking News
Monday, March 22, 2010

Info Post
The day started sedately with a super breakfast in the St. David's Hotel, Cardiff, following a Sunday night concert. Bird-wise I thought it had started and ended with the adult Bonaparte's Gull in Cardiff Bay (viewable from the hotel room balcony had I taken my 'scope up there!) and my first Sand Martin of the year. A text message just past Carmarthen on the way home soon had me taking a detour at Whitland for the Purple Heron at Llanmill - what a bird (and a lovely pic Rich C).

Late afternoon Marloes Mere produced the 16 White-fronts at Trehill and the wing-tagged female Hen Harrier, my first Wheatear of the spring at Martin's Haven and several flocks of migrant Meadow Pipits, and the day finished at the Gann where the Brents were up to 34 (including KLWR) and 3 Med Gulls (all first-years) included a green-ringed bird that, yet again, I could not read!! Migrants included a Sandwich Tern & a Sand Martin, with another 3 at Winterton Farm. Magic.


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