Breaking News
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Info Post
Mere Valley, Bosherston from 07.30 this morning was abound with 'thrushes'. Most numerous were Redwings, with many more passing overhead, Blackbirds second, again with several small parties overhead (several of the adult males looked at were dark billed), Song Thrushes running a close third. 31 Fieldfares dropped in briefly (& noisily) before continuing on & 1 Mistle Thrush concluded the thrushfest. 3 Blackcaps & 1 Chiffchaff also present. It was good to see at least 6 Goldcrests there too. Nearby on Bosherston church 2 Black Redstarts. Keeping the best till last- at the One arch bridge near Stackpole Ct were 2 gorgeous Firecrests together just below the parapet on the upstream side, 2 Chiffchaffs as well here. Not a bad morning after finding the range road to St Govans closed!.


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