Breaking News
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Info Post
The Black Redstart totals from myself, Paul G & Derek as follows (sounds like Eurovision - can we be Lithuania?!!):

H'west - 3 Merlin's Bridge, 1 Furzy Park
St. Ann's Head - 2 (including the adult male)
Kete - 1
St. Bride's - 4
Dale - 7

Which makes 18, 13 of which I saw and constitute my best day total as far as I can remember. Other records:

St. Bride's - one of Trevor's Firecrest, 3 Chiffs, and a Great Spotted Devonald
Point House, Dale Fort - 2 Chiffs
Dale - 2 Chiffs and a very late Willow Warbler (latter in the car park)


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