Breaking News
Monday, October 26, 2009

Info Post
Loads of birds moving first thing this morning, but everything stopped dead when it clouded over at about 10:30 - Skylark 525, Chaffinch 110, Starling 750, Woodpigeon 210, Brambling 3, Swallow 2, Siskin 30. Finches were going over really high & were very hard to pick up.

A Richard's Pipit flew high south over the farm at 09:15 (I think Mr Dobbins needs to put his clock back!)

There were loads of thrushes around first thing as well, but all soon filtered off to the mainland - Song Thrush 90, Blackbird 45, Redwing 40 & our first Mistle Thrush of the autumn

Still at least 2 juv Hen Harriers hunting in North Valley


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