Breaking News
Monday, January 24, 2011

Info Post
As well as Steve's report of the wonderful flock of Skylarks, other highlights for me over the weekend have included numerous sightings of Merlins (both males and females/immatures). Of course, it could have been two exceptionally active and wide-ranging individuals....

The Deer Park and Martin's Haven valley have been very quiet except for the odd small group of Chaffinches dropping in and a single male Stonechat, but Jack Sound had a nice flock of Black-headed Gulls that contained a single adult winter Mediterranean Gull.

Further afield, a single Golden Plover amongst Lapwings near Trehill Farm and a ringtail Hen Harrier by Little Marloes Farm. Up to 20 Snipe flushed across Dale Airfield.
On the Gann: a Slavonian Grebe amongst the large gull roost. The Whooper and Bewick's swans up near Kete were lovely to watch.


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