Breaking News
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Info Post
A short trip to Skomer with Chris and Rich D taking advantage of a boat taking a out a tractor mechanic.
Very quiet. The most numerous passerine was song thrush with 9 recorded and everything else in very low numbers eg only 4 starlings, 2 redwings 2 meadow pipits, 2 skylarks, 1 robin. Five species of raptors included at least 11 buzzards, and single peregrine, kestrel, merlin and sparrowhawk. Approx 65 Greater Black backs were easily the most numerous gull present, and the pools had c40 teal, 17 mallard, 3 shoveler, 5 moorhen and 2 water rails. A few (c250) guillemots were also seen but no razorbills. 120 canada geese were on Midland, and a red throated diver seen from the boat on the way back. Millions of rabbits seen and also a young seal pup near the landing point.

At the Deer Park, again very very quiet with only 2 chough and a song thrush the only passerines seen on the headland, though a trickle of small gulls passing through the sound:

black-headed gull 120
kittiwake 60
common gull 40
med gull 3


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