Breaking News
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Info Post
Highlights of a walk from the Marloes car park to Martin's Haven yesterday included:

On Marloes beach a single Redshank (very unusual here), and 20+ Teal that landed about 300 yards offshore.

On the Coast Path and in the Trehill Farm fields there were no Stonechats at all, many fewer Snipe, and no Woodcock. Most of the fields have Lapwings scattered across them, but the few flocks seen flying were typically 20-30, not larger.

Still good flocks of Skylarks (probably 100+), Chaffinches, and smaller numbers of Reed Buntings in the stubble fields. A male Merlin on a fence post (these seem surprisingly numerous this winter, along with plenty of evidence of passerine "kills"). Several Buzzards and 2 Peregrines overhead, with one making almost turkey-like grunting noises; close by a thoroughly dismembered Chough, presumably by a Peregrine.


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